5 arguments for taking a smoke if such ones exist.

There is an interesting inclination which could be seen in our enlightened age. Day by day the quantity of smoking folks is growing notwithstanding the cig prices and the amount of cash smoking folks have to spend on the ciggies. Notwithstanding all the admonitions of Ministries of Health of all countries and physicians' opinions concerning the lung cancer ciggie brands are as usual realizing perfect cigs and receiving gigantic sales revenues. Internet is flooded with numerous articles containing cases about the danger ciggie leads to, books and magazines are counselling latest ways of desisting from smoking unanimously. But the number of smokers is still growing…

It has been written a great deal about the damage ciggie produces to our body. But are there any good aspects of smoking?

1. Firstly smoking is an activity related to social growth. Many folks commence smoking as a part of their process of maturation; they need to express an objection to the society, show that they have their own thoughts as well as position.

2.  For other people cigarette is the only means to get rid of the stress. A ciggie assists in relaxing and collecting oneself; sometimes it is not the nicotine effect, but the very smoking process that assists in settling down.

3.  Medicine was never definite in things touching nicotine. On one level - it is an uncoined pharmaceutical substance, on the other - the cause of many sicknesses. Unlike the politicians (to sanction ciggies, to proscribe cigarettes) science is not guided by primitive ways and black and white colors. It is also unbiased; the thing that counts here is justice. And the verity is that all 4000 components of the tobacco smoke even for reasons of statistics cannot be exclusively damaging. The nature is more knowledgeable than people studying it, thereby having created tobacco environment has put on the scales both colors. Several medical researches have demonstrated that smoking may be a factor to infirmities of age avoidance, such as parkinsonism as well as Alzheimer dementia.

4. Nicotine assists in controlling ones body weight for certain.

5. Nicotine stimulates bloodstream and revives veins. Thereby it brings rest to the people who are agonizing from the circulatory disturbance as well as to the diabetics.

Here it is indispensable to add that above mentioned facts do not suggest that one have to start smoking with the healing purpose. Besides nicotine there are different dangerous materials in tobacco. And it is always a matter of close consideration and weighting the arguments in favor of smoking and cons to see if one should quit smoking or not.