Marlboro "biography"

Marlboro is the ciggie brand made by PMI from the time of 1924. It appears to be one of the most well-known cig brands worldwide because of its great competition sponsorship and striking advertising campaign. Many smokers assume Marlboro to be the first-class cigs due to their intense and gorgeous savor. Hence despite the cigarette price Marlboro smokers are rather faithful to this trademark.

Marlboro trademark is marketing example as well as fable. The ciggie label is cited as an example when talking about the impact of thriving rebranding. Fancy slim women's cigarettes in a snow-white pliable bundle changed into tough cigs in inflexible bundle intended for manly as well as stern people.

The company history starts in the middle of the 19th century, when Philip Morris, a British tobacco seller, had begun tobacco plant of his own in London and in 1924 the label as such emerged. The cigarettes were destined for self-assertive as well as rich ladies. Ciggie filter was of a ruddy color, which was done for the women's lipstick not to leave ruddy traces on the cig cover. That time the label was excellent, so womanly and... The product didn't sell good enough. Fifties of the twentieth century were marked for the brand with inferior selling in the United States of America - they accounted for only 0. 25 of all tobacco sales. The same decade scientific news relative to smoking and lung cancer appeared and the sales of all tobacco business reduced radically. And then the decision to restore the label was made. Marlboro producers made up their minds to make men the primary audience of the label positioning the ciggies as the symbol of risk, maleness and adventures. Sportsmen, seamen, pilots and cowboys were the principal images of the new advertisement campaign. Within one year the sales of the brand cigarettes shot up more then ten times.

Since 1964 it was determined to keep only the cowboy of all Marlboro personalities and Marlboro Cowboy was resided in a beautiful and tough unreal Marlboro Land. And by 1972, the brand had become the most famous cigs worldwide and has held this status for majority of the following years. In 1993 Marlboro became the most valuable brand in the international market of consumer commodities with the market price of 39. 5 billion dollars.

Today ciggies of this trademark occupy the leading place of the TOP-fifteen of the most popular cigarette labels in the world and the realizations of Marlboro trademark are steadily growing every year.